Avelino Corma at the Lab

Avelino Corma and his original team in his first Lab (Madrid 1989-2000)

His Majesty the King of Spain Juan Carlos I and Avelino Corma. The National Research Award (1995)

National award of Science, Madrid, Spain

Avelino Corma and Eduardo Primo Yúfera

Miguel Ángel Miranda and Avelino Corma

Doctor Honoris Causa UPV, Enrique Iglesia

Doctor Honoris Causa University of Utrecht (2006)

ENI Rome

Doctor Honoris Causa University of Utrecht (2006)

Doctor Honoris Causa UNED (2008)

G.A. Somorjai Award, American Chemical Society (2008)

G.A. Somorjai Award, American Chemical Society (2008)

Honoris Causa Technique Universität München (2008)

Doctor Honoris Causa University of Valencia (2009)

Honoris Causa University of Valencia (2009)

Honoris Causa University of Böchum (2010)

Avelino Corma and Enrique Iglesia

Closing Banquet ICC MUNICH 2012

Roberto Galiasso, Avelino Corma, Miguel Angel Miranda, Hermenegildo García and Vicente Fornés

Avelino Corma and Giuseppe Bellussi FEZA 2011

Opening Ceremony FEZA 2011

FEZA 2011

Avelino Corma ForMemRS (Royal Society 2012)

Ferdi Schüth and Avelino Corma ZEOFORUM 2012

Avelino Corma and Gérard Férey ZEOFORUM 2012


Avelino Corma al the Lab

Príncipe de Asturias de Investigación Científica y Técnica Award 2014